Vampires (continued)

In protecting yourself from vampires, remember you must never invite them into your home. Once done, it can never be undone, and vampires may then invite themselves in at will. Surely this makes exceedingly good sense - haven’t you had this experience with some people, so how much more must it apply to a vampire?

On the other hand, if you ever happen to encounter a wounded, expiring vampire and you take pity upon it, remember... you can heal a vampire with moonlight.

How to Become a Werewolf

Assuming this is one of your aspirations in life, there are several means that lore insists are effective for becoming a werewolf.

Drinking the water from a wolf print is one sure way to turn into a werewolf, and provides a certain logic to the method as well... if you’re going to be a wolf, it’s not a bad idea for there to be other wolves around, and a foot print insures that to be the case.

Barring the accessibility of a wolf footprint however, drinking from a magic stream, or being rubbed with a magic salve will suffice to grant you lycantrhopic form.

Even more accessible, ingesting Diphenhydramine (Benedryl) and really willing yourself to turn into a werewolf is said to do the trick. However, it seems more likely that one has fallen asleep and is believing to have become a werewolf.

There is, of course, the method of actually putting on a wolf hide which causes lycanthropy. But as the wolf probably preferred to keep its skin, I suspect the side effects of this method are more extensive and negative than a drug advertised on television in the evening. And you know how scary some of those are!

Now, if someone else is causing you to become a werewolf, it may not only be the devil, as is often the case, but it could even be Christian saints.

St. Thomas Aquinas said, "All angels, good and bad, have the power of transmutating our bodies." That does seem to include transmogrification into a wolf. And St. Patrick was said to have transformed the Welsh king Vereticus into a wolf. Not to be outdone, St. Natalis cursed an Irish family wherein each member was doomed to be a wolf for seven years.
(Click here for Werewolves - continued)

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